LifeTec 2017 Annual Report

The last twelve months has seen the Board and Management focus on consolidating LifeTec’s operations and progressing our growth strategy. We are pleased to highlight some of our accomplishments in progressing both of these important initiatives in this report.

As a social enterprise LifeTec is committed to improving the lives of people whilst remaining viable and profitable in a consumer directed market. To achieve our service and business goals we embarked on an ambitious transformation process to evolve the LifeTec model a few years ago. Although this change process is ongoing, we have not lost sight of some of some of the main reasons we are doing this. Our aim is to ensure we meet the changing expectations of people, establish LifeTec as an assistive technology (AT) centre of excellence, and to remain viable. Our growth strategy will support this by increasing the reach and accessibility of LifeTec’s new model and services, whilst ensuring we have the ability to continue to reinvest in the organisation.

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