photo of two older people embracing and smiling

MEDIA RELEASE: Living Well With Assistive Technology (AT): LifeTec Releases Free Resources For People Living With Dementia, Their Families And Carers.

LifeTec Australia has been hard at work creating new and innovative ways for people to learn about smart assistive technologies and the various ways that technology can support people living with dementia.

LifeTec was awarded funding through the Dementia and Aged Care Services Fund to create free resources for the aged and dementia care sector. The free resources and information are designed for anyone affected by dementia, including people with dementia, families and service providers. This information can help build awareness about how everyday technologies can be used, and to encourage people with dementia and their families to explore and benefit from new technologies as they need them.

According to Dementia Australia, nearly 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 have dementia. That is over 400,000 people living with dementia in Australia. This number is expected to rise to 589, 000 by 2028 and further rise to over 1 million people by 2058.

LifeTec has released a range of smart assistive technology videos to help explain the various technologies that are available and how they enable people to learn more about everyday technologies for everyday life. Topics include apps for smart devices, location tracking devices, smart homes, health and wellness technologies. In addition to this we will be releasing online learning modules and factsheets in 2019, the first four online learning modules are now available.

“Working on this project has been particularly important for us at LifeTec, as it is our goal to connect people and their communities through assistive technology. Assistive technologies open up a world of possibilities for people – especially people with dementia.”

“With our online learning modules, we have developed a range of topics that people often find complex to navigate when caring for a person with dementia. Our aim is to make life more independent for those who are living with dementia”

LifeTec has released 16 smart technology videos that are currently live on t website, with 8 online learning modules to come. You can find the resources on LifeTec’s website.

LifeTec is a social enterprise that provides dedicated assistive technology services. LifeTec’s aim is to enable people of all abilities to live to their full potential in home, work, school and community life. Established in 1981, LifeTec are the leaders in applying assistive technology and accessibility solutions to the lives of people with disability. LifeTec has a team of health professionals including occupational therapists, speech pathologists and physiotherapists who have a passion for AT.

For any enquiries about LifeTec’s Living Well with Smart Technology project, contact 1300 543 383 or email

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