Accessing CHSP funding for personal monitoring technology

My Aged Care poster

Accessing CHSP Funding For Personal Monitoring Technology As announced last week, Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) service providers are now able to use unspent 2019‑20 funding to purchase up to $1000 worth of personal monitoring technology for their vulnerable clients in need of this support during COVID-19. This is important for older Australians and their […]

Senior’s Week – (15th – 20th August)

Seniors week 2020 poster

Senior’s Week – (15th – 20th August) Come celebrate Senior’s Week with us, our Townsville Display Centre is having an open day to the public. Senior’s week provides opportunities to promote positive attitudes towards older Australian’s to facilitate community participation and connections, a vision LifeTec shares. Want to learn more about assistive technology, keeping active and […]

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