bathroom mods before after

Townsville Major Home Modifications For Older Australians – One Off COVID-19 Grant

LifeTec recently applied for the COVID-19 Aged Care Industry Support Funding and were successful in securing one off non recurrent funds to deliver home modification services for 22 consumers in the Northern Aged Care Provider Region.

We noticed that as our consumers self-isolated and had limited access to informal carers for daily activities they were trying to do more tasks on their own which we felt may lead to increased risks of falls or injuries. Undertaking modifications such as ramps, stair climbers and bathroom modifications will increase the accessibility of their homes and bathrooms and enable our consumers to remain safe as they self-isolate.

The one-off funding is only available for three months in 2019-20 (April to June 2020) and for three months in 2020-21 (July to September 2020). Our Occupational Therapists have commenced the assessments for this work and we have engaged builders to undertake the work on our consumers’ homes. LifeTec will also continue to deliver the Home Modifications program under our regular CHSP funding and if you, or someone you know, is interested in this program please call LifeTec on 07 4759 5623 or speak to MyAgedCare about making a referral on 1800 200 422.

Send Us an Enquiry

Not sure what funding is available to you? Have questions on the type of services we can provide? Start your journey with us by sending us an enquiry today!

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