LifeTec Australia Appointment Cancellation

Cancellations & Failure to Attend

When you make an appointment at LifeTec Australia, that time is reserved exclusively for you. We do not double book consumers; we schedule appointments for one consumer, dedicating our resources to that consumer for that time slot.

We understand that there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergencies or obligations for work or family.  However, when a consumer cancels without giving enough notice, they prevent another consumer from being seen. Any cancellation of appointments, requires notice by either party.

If you need to cancel your appointment:

Please call us at 1300 543 383.

You may also fill up this form to contact us and our team will get back to you. 

A short-notice cancellation or failure to attend that is less than 2 clear business days’ notice, will attract a cancellation fee of up to 90% of the agreed appointment price. This is in accordance with the NDIS Price Guide. This charge may be waived at the discretion of a LifeTec Executive Manager.

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